Physical Education
Physical Education and Sport
At our school we recognise the importance of being active, staying fit and healthy, the effect it has on a child’s health and wellbeing and their ability to learn effectively and achieve in school. Through Physical Education and sport our children learn to enjoy activity, be part of a team, develop leadership skills, engage in healthy competition, take risks and persevere. They also develop resilience as well as embedding values of fairness, respect and sportsmanship. We want children to be able to make informed choices about physical activity and leave our federation making the choice to lead active, healthy lifestyles.
Our Curriculum
Physical Education is delivered through high quality, inclusive PE lessons which have a clear intention, high ambition and allow children time to develop their PE knowledge and skills. The curriculum is designed to develop fundamental movement skills, build on previous skills taught and engages and challenges all children across our school.
Sports taught are broad and varied, both during the school day and as extra- curricular clubs. Active playtimes and lunchtimes are promoted in all key stages. The PE long term plan ensures coverage of all areas of the PE curriculum.
Being a coastal school, we value swimming as an essential life skill for our children. Lessons are held at the local pool and the aim is that all pupils swim for two half terms during their time at St. Margaret's.